A sandblast is a method to remove paint layers from concrete. An entire concrete pool can be sandblasted. The concrete floor of a hybrid pool can be sandblasted.
A complete sandblast will removal all paint layers. This is required when you change the type of paint. When a pool is sandblasted, it does not make fiscal sense to resurface the pool with an inferior paint. When a pool is sandblasted, opt to resurface the pool with an approved epoxy system.
A partial sandblast, often called a heavy-blast, will remove just the loose and peeling paint. Many pool owners opt for a brush-blast prior to a re-paint with the same type of paint. This will ensure the loose and peeling paint is removed so that the substrate is profiled and best ready for the re-paint.
When to sandblast
It is very common to re-paint a concrete pool over and over again. As more and more paint is applied, though, the adhering characteristics of the paint does diminish with each application. At some point, there will be too many layers of paint. When this occurs, the paint will have to be completely sandblasted and fully removed. The following will list the maximum number of paint layers:
- 4-5 layers of epoxy.
- 5-6 layers of any rubber-based paint:
- chlorinated rubber.
- synthetic rubber.
- 5-6 layers of water-based paint.
Any number of layers over these recommendations is wasting your money. This is also improperly waterproofing your pool…and this can lead to structural problems, which will cost way more money to address and fix. When you’ve reached the maximum number of layers – and certainly if you’ve eclipsed these numbers – then opt for a sandblast to start over.
It is also quite possible for a pool to be improperly prepped prior to being re-painted. An improper prep will cause an improper paint job. When this occurs, even if you have not reached the maximum number of layers, the paint layers will not bond…the paint will have to be completely sandblasted and fully removed.
Alternatives to pool sandblasting
There may be times when sandblasting is too much for an old compromised pool. If this is the case, there are other methods to remove the paint.
If your pool is painted with water-based or rubber-based paint, then paint stripper can be applied to a large section then that section can be water-blasted with a high-psi industrial pressure washer. This process repeats for the entire pool. The last remnants can then be removed with grinders and state-of-the-art discs.
If your pool is waterproofed with epoxy, then grinders with state-of-the-art discs can be used. This is a bit more time consuming than traditional sandblasting, but it will best protect an old compromised pool.
More times than not, though, even on older compromised pools, careful sandblasting is a proven method to remove at least of the bulk of the paint layers. Then spot-grinding can be used to finish the paint removal.
Sandblast when your pool needs to be sandblasted.
Don’t just keep painting and re-painting and then re-painting the pool again…and again…and again. Please use the above-listed information as your gauge for when to sandblast. It truly will protect the strength, structure and integrity of the concrete.
We hope this help.
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We sandblast pools.
Whether we use traditional sandblasting, derivatives of sandblasting, or alternatives to sandblasting, we will remove the paint. The method for paint removal will largely depend on the age and condition of your pool.
We also sandblast, prep, clean, and resurface pools if you want us to do the entire job. When we sandblast and resurface a pool, we strongly recommend using a commercial-grade dual-application 2-part polyamide epoxy system. This epoxy has a history of success and longevity. Not only will it waterproof and protect your pool, but it will also revive it. It does not make any fiscal sense at all to sandblast the pool and then roll-on a generic and inferior rubber-based pool paint.
Call us at 402-341-8132 or send us an email to [email protected] or submit a short form to discuss your pool and schedule free onsite consultation.
Or for the quickest response, you can call or text 402-250-8100 (Mike Loftus, owner).