Pool Work

If you need pool work during the 2025 season, then contact us to schedule free onsite consultation to get a bid. Get on our 2025 list now. It does not cost you a penny to be on our list…we do not take down-payments. And there is never an obligation to be on our list. If you need pool work, don’t try to “get by” for one more year. It never works out. Contact us for free consultation and a free bid

Do not operate the pool if it needs work.

If your pool leaks, we can help. We are thoroughly trained, very experienced, and well-equipped for leak detection and repairs.

If you need other pool repairs, we can help.

If your pool needs to be resurfaced, we can help.

And if you want to make improvements to your pool or pool deck with a renovation or remodel, we can help.

Let us know what pool work you need.


I realize in a best-case scenario and in a perfect world, we could get to all of your pool work in the early spring and have all of our work done so you are all swimming by Memorial Day weekend. When you have pool problems, it takes time. Some of you will have to commit to the work during the summer. I know. But its only one summer. And its likely only a few days or a few weeks in this one summer, with the time contingent on the extent of the pool work needed or wanted. And, we offer our best prices for summer pool work.

Too many people contact us and find out we cannot get their work completed prior to Memorial Day weekend. So they contact other pool companies. And, of course, they are promised the work will be done prior to Memorial Day weekend. Spoiler Alert…it typically (and almost always) never works-out as promised.

Be patient.

When you need pool work, make sure to work with experts.

After your free onsite consultation, when you do receive and review our bid, if you think you want to work with us, then just let us know – with a soft yes – and we will get you written on the 2025 Pool Work list.

When you need pool work, don’t settle for the pool company that can (supposedly) get to the job first. Rather, hire a company – and better yet, a Registered Contractor – that can get the job done correctly.

If we need to do your work in the summer, we offer additional incentives. And more times than not, we’ll get your work done before our competitors…the same ones that told you that you’d be swimming on Memorial Day weekend.

The process to schedule pool work

We know you have choices. We’d simply like the opportunity to meet with you and prove that we are the best choice. Therefore, all onsite consultation is free.

Meeting poolside is the best method to bid your work. It gives me the opportunity to see you pool. It gives you the opportunity to best convey the reason(s) you need pool work. And it allows for questions to be asked and answered. While there, I can also write notes, get all of the required measurements, take pictures, and do whatever else is need so we can submit a bid.

You should definitely take advantage of free consultation. It doesn’t cost you a penny to talk to professionals onsite and poolside. And it will allow you to eliminate pool companies that should not be bidding this type of work.

When you do meet with pool companies, it is very important that you meet not only the company owner or a salesperson for that company. You also need to meet the person in charge of your pool work. A poolside meeting with us gives you the opportunity to meet me, Mike Loftus, the company owner, salesperson, jobsite coordinator, jobsite foreman, one of the physical laborers on your job, and your direct contact for customer service and communication. I am also a Registered Contractor in Nebraska.

Stop making “down-payments” for pool work

We do not require some ridiculous down-payment to “hold your spot” or to “schedule your work” for the season. We never charge a down-payment. Why do pool companies charge them? A better question would be, why do pool owners pay them? You should not have to fund their business operations. Too many problems occur right from the start when payments are made upfront yet work has not begun…and may not even be scheduled to begin yet. Hold on to your money until progress is made. We do not take any down-payment money. We do not take any payments until we make real and continuous progress on your job.

When you agree to work with us, we simply want to get you on the list so your work can be started and completed in a timely manner.

It all starts with the free onsite consultation.

Call us at 402-341-8132 or send us an email to [email protected] or submit a short form to discuss your pool and schedule free onsite consultation.

Or for the quickest response, you can call or text 402-250-8100 (Mike Loftus, owner).