Residential Pools

Expert Pool Work, Inc. is a Registered Contractor with the State of Nebraska, approved to work on all residential pools in Omaha and the surrounding areas.

We are scheduling work for the 2025 pool season. NO DOWN-PAYMENT IS EVER REQUIRED.

We work on all 4 types of residential pools:

You can click on the type of pool that you have in your backyard. This will lead you to a page that will detail the services that we offer for your pool.

If you are not sure of the type of pool in your backyard, then this will help:

  • A concrete pool is totally and completely made from concrete.
  • A hybrid pool has a concrete floor and fiberglass walls.
  • A fiberglass pool is a one-piece fiberglass shell.
  • A vinyl-liner pool is a vinyl-lined pool.

Regardless of the type of pool in your backyard, we can help.

The codes and regulations for residential pools

There are no codes and regulations for residential pool work.

All commercial pools, however, must be in compliance. The design, strength, structural integrity, waterproofing, equipment, plumbing, flow rates, velocity rates, and sanitizing system must all meet various codes and regulations. It’s very difficult to attain State approval for commercial pool work. This is because every aspect and every phase of the job have to be precise, correct and documented for approval. We always get State approval.

Even though there are no clearly-defined written codes and regulations when working on residential pools, we work as if they do exist. We work as if commercial codes and regulations cross-over to residential pools to ensure SAFETY, quality workmanship and long-term success.

Your pool is an investment

A pool is an investment. It may or may not add monetary value to your home and its property. That will depend on the overall housing market, your local housing market, and the overall condition of your home, property, and the pool itself. But your pool will certainly add value to the time spent with family and friends. Unless of course, it leaks or needs repairs. If so, we can help get your pool back in service so that you, your family, and your friends can continue to enjoy swimming, relaxing, and enjoying yourselves.

Call us at 402-341-8132 or send us an email to [email protected] or submit a short form to discuss your pool and schedule free onsite consultation.

Or for the quickest response, you can call or text 402-250-8100 (Mike Loftus, owner).