Schedule a pool orientation for hands-on learning

An orientation is an opportunity to learn about your pool. But it does not happen in a classroom. It happens in your backyard. It happens poolside. A pool orientation is a combination of a lecture and hands-on training at your pool.

Your pool professional will teach you about your pool. While lecturing, the pool professional will also perform a task while explaining what is being performed. And then you can perform the same task while the pool professional supervises you.

An orientation for general pool care

Always start an orientation about safety in and around the pool. Learn how to be a supervisor. Learn about safety equipment. And learn about how to make your pool a safe pool.

Then transition into water chemistry. Learn about chemical tests and adjustments so your water stays clean and clear. Learn how to prevent the potential for problems. And learn how to treat and rectify actual problems.

Then transition into the equipment. Learn about basic mechanical operations. Learn about your pump and filter. And learn about any other equipment with your pool. This would also be the time to discuss if your pool equipment is properly-sized.

Then transition into maintenance and cleaning. Learn how to devise a regular maintenance schedule. And learn how to be flexible with your maintenance schedule.

Finish the orientation with some insight about when the pool is out of service. Start with some lessons about troubleshooting. Learn how to schedule a service call if equipment needs to be repaired or replaced. Learn how to request a bid if your pool needs some significant work. And learn how to communicate with pool professionals to help get your pool back into service.

If there are any other aspects about pool ownership that are confusing or overwhelming to you personally, then make sure they are part of the orientation.

You’re paying for it, so ask questions.

An orientation after pool work

When pool work is completed, if you need an orientation once the pool is put back into service, then request one. It could just be a 10 minute refresher or it could be a 30 minute walk-through.

We hope this helps.

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We offer pool orientations.

We do offer pool orientations but this service is not available until after June 1, 2024 due to our busy pre Memorial Day schedule.

We will teach you about safety, calculating gallons, water chemistry, chemical tests, chemical adjustments, equipment operations, maintenance, cleaning, getting bids, scheduling work, creating a budget just for the pool, and any other aspects of pool care that are confusing to you. There are times when a poolside session with hands-on training is the best method to help you fund, operate, chemically-treat, maintain, clean, and care for your pool.

The cost is $180.00 for one hour (then $40.00 per 15 minute increments after the first hour, if needed). Payment is due onsite that day.

Call us at 402-341-8132 or send us an email to [email protected] or submit a short form to schedule a pool orientation.