
Expert Pool Work, Inc.

A pool company in Omaha since 1999

10135 J Street
Omaha, NE  68127


For the quickest reply to get a pool bid,
text Mike Loftus
(owner) at 402-250-8100

Inquire about fall 2024 pool work.

We are a specialty pool company.

Never allow your pool to leak. When it does, the water loss will soon become the least of your problems. Let us find and fix your leak before it causes any type of structural damage. We have the best equipment. We are industry and manufacturer trained. And we have a lot of experience. We are the pool leak experts in Omaha. READ MORE

Regardless if you need a quick fix or you have a serious problem, we are trained and experienced for all pool repairs. Structural repairs. Interior repairs. Minor Repairs. Major Repairs. All repairs. Even partial or total reconstruction of the pool. We are the pool repair experts in Omaha. READ MORE

As time passes and your pool begins to show its age, it can be renovated. If you want to revive your old and dull pool to make it look new and vibrant again, then opt for a renovation. We are trained and experienced for all pool renovation. READ MORE 

Has your pool been the same since it was built? Is it time for a change? Whether you just want to make a few subtle changes or you want to change the entire pool, opt for a remodel. We are trained and experienced for all pool remodels. READ MORE


Do you need pool work? Our company can help you.

Since 1999 we have specialized in contractor-based pool work in Omaha, Nebraska and the surrounding areas. Regardless if you need your pool fixed or improved, we can help you. We always provide free onsite consultation prior to sending a formal bid.

We get the job done accurately and on time, often ahead of schedule. This is because we only offer work that we are trained, experienced, and equipped to offer. We know what we’re doing. In fact, we’re very good at what we do.

We understand budgets. And we offer fair payment schedules, never requiring any down-payment.

We are professional and reliable. We show up to work. And we provide quality workmanship.

We also truly understand the importance of communication and overall customer service. You shall see.

The main issue with most of the pool companies in Omaha is that they try to do everything for everybody so they can capture every dollar you spend on your pool every year. While they may offer everything, they don’t really do anything well. And since they try to service everybody – and do everything – they always get behind schedule. Yet they rarely communicate this to you. And they always have a lot of your money upfront before they even start the work on your pool.

We do not take down payments. You do not have to pay us just to be on our list. We get paid when progress is made. That, of course, motivates us to maintain consistent progress, often getting ahead of the projected schedule, to get your pool back into service for your enjoyment.

We are a specialty pool company. While we cannot help you with all of your pool needs, when we can help you, we offer expert pool work…thus the name of the company.

How can we help you?

Call us at 402-341-8132 or send us an email to [email protected] or submit a short from to discuss your pool and schedule free onsite consultation today.

Or for the quickest response, you can call or text 402-250-8100 (Mike Loftus, owner).